Alabama is an at-fault state. This means that if you are involved in a car crash, you can file a claim with your insurance company. You can also file your claim with the other driver’s insurance carrier or sue them for economic and non-economic damages.
But, it’s wise to remember that insurance companies are in business to make profits. Thus, it is not uncommon for an insurance company to attempt to shortchange an accident victim out of a seemingly genuine claim. How can you tell if an insurance company is up to no good? These are two relatively clear signs that an insurance company could be acting in bad faith.
It is asking you for a recorded statement
The law does not require you to furnish an insurance company with a recorded statement in order to settle your car accident claim. This is basically a trap to see if you will say anything that can jeopardize your claim. This kind of tactic can only serve one purpose: complicate and wear down your claim. If an insurance company asks you to record a statement, politely decline to do so.
Your claim is being handled by a third party
Basically, this is the insurance company’s way of telling you that it is not ready to treat your claim with the seriousness and urgency it deserves. Instead of investigating and arriving at a decision, it may opt to bring on board a third party whose findings it will honor. Never forget that an insurance adjuster’s job is usually to get you to accept the lowest settlement possible. If a third-party appraisal recommends a lowball settlement, it is likely that the best thing you can do about it is reject the offer and explore your legal options.
Protecting your interests
Few things are as frustrating as an insurance company disputing a genuine claim. If you find yourself in a situation where an insurance company is denying your claim or is simply acting in bad faith, consider seeking legal guidance and pursuing justice accordingly.